segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2010

The path

An entrepreneur faces different life perceptions at the various stages of the path. At half way, anxiety turns into a mild restless and this is because we realize there is not endless time left. Life is short and it can be sweet for certain. It depends on us and our choices. You can be either at the top of your own company or in the pursue of your best profession accomplishment you will wish for more, and get conscious of your inner strength as well as what serves you and what doesn't. Again, the searcher at the very beginning of the path.

4 comentários:

Lucas Pont (Padma Palden) disse...
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Lucas Pont (Padma Palden) disse...
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Lucas Pont (Padma Palden) disse...

Really nice post Liane! I agree...everything in life is upon our particular the decisions of what path we want to take for our lives and how we decided to follow it...nice post! As always...Congrats again!

Funchal disse...

I believe that curiosity is the fuel for personal or professional success. The ability to understand complex things (or even simple) leads people to understand that life is much more than meetings or tasks of day-to-day. It is important not only to come into the world tour ... leave your contribution, even to yourself.