segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010

Tropa de Elite 2 - The Elite Squad 2

Ontem assisti Tropa de Elite 2, crítica acirrada ao Sistema, verdade escancarada na frente de todos! O povo aplaude quando termina o filme e fiquei pensando: aplaude o quê? A liberdade de expressão? A possibilidade de existirem pessoas com capacidade de lutar por seus ideais a qualquer custo? ..Ou o alivio que proporciona o político e o policial corrupto irem virtualmente parar atrás das grades ? "Ainda vai demorar muito para as coisas mudarem", anuncia o protagonista pressentindo a resistência à mudança de um povo acomodado nas poltronas do cinema e do poder, acumulado pelo "Sistema" .
Tenho falado muito sobre como trabalhar nossos sonhos... mas às vezes precisamos encarar alguns pesadelos também.

O filme, e ótimo! A atuação de Wagner Moura, excellente !

I saw The Elite Squad 2, hard criticism on the "System", the truth on everybody's faces! People clap and sheer in the end of the movie and I wonder: What are they cheering for? Free expression? The existence of people who are able to fight for their ideals at any price?...Or the relief we feel when corrupt politicians and policemen are virtually arrested? "Things will not change soon", announces the main actor who forecasts the resistance to change of a population comfortably seated in the movie theatre and in power, pilled up by the "System".
I have been talking a lot about how to work and develop our dreams... it seems we need to face some of our nightmares, though.

The movie is great! Wagner Moura's performance is excellent!

quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010

Biodata in English Perfil em Inglês

Liane Grassi holds a Bachelor’s of Arts and a Post-Graduate degree in Business Management from Unicenp. She holds a Master’s degree of Strategic Business Administration from PUC Paraná. In the UK, she studied at Ardmore School in Maidenhead, did classroom observation of her peers and attended the teacher training course at International House and London School of English in Business English. She was a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language for the International Relations course at Universidade Tuiuti. As a consultant, she assists company to assess their current situation, entrepreneurial potential and helps them redesign their organizational strategies. She focuses on entrepreneurial and learning culture, whereby companies are called to redesign their processes and to take an innovative approach to their features, thus becoming learning organizations. She is also the founder and director of On The Road Curso de Idiomas since 1993. She gives workshops and lectures on Motivation and Educational Entrepreneurship as an associate-lecturer of Oxford University Press, and teaches Business in English courses sponsored by AMCHAM (Brazil-United States Chamber of Commerce).