It was a great educational experience to format Embrapa Florestas Immersion that took place in Guaratuba, PR. During 10 days, on the weeks of 16th to 30th October and 9th to 13th November a group of 16 people had their English brushed up and got prepared to make presentations in English about their projects, projects that are already ongoing or that will be presented national and internationally. They had lectures and workshops on Climate Change and Global Warming, Forest Market, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Team work and Presentation Techniques.
It was hard work but the outcome was amazing. You can appreciate some of their presentations and check the quality of the work. I take the opportunite to congratulate all the students and facilitators on their great achievement. You will be able to check details at On The Road's webpage soon: www.ontheroadidiomas.com.br
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