terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009

Non-stop English Immersion - Embrapa Florestas

It was a great educational experience to format Embrapa Florestas Immersion that took place in Guaratuba, PR. During 10 days, on the weeks of 16th to 30th October and 9th to 13th November a group of 16 people had their English brushed up and got prepared to make presentations in English about their projects, projects that are already ongoing or that will be presented national and internationally. They had lectures and workshops on Climate Change and Global Warming, Forest Market, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Team work and Presentation Techniques.

It was hard work but the outcome was amazing. You can appreciate some of their presentations and check the quality of the work. I take the opportunite to congratulate all the students and facilitators on their great achievement. You will be able to check details at On The Road's webpage soon: www.ontheroadidiomas.com.br

Empreendedorismo, e daí?

Gostei muito de participar como uma das palestrantes no evento da Fesp com a palestra "Empreendedorismo, e daí?" Os principais assuntos abordados foram a Desmitificação do Empreendedor e Social Media, a velocidade das informações, o que de fato importa. Tenho conversado com amigos, colegas e alunos a esse respeito e percebo que as questões continuam as mesmas:
  • Pode-se ensinar Empreendedorismo?
  • Media Social, qual seu uso real para as empresas?
Nada como histórias reais para elucidar teorias. Sintam-se a vontade para contar suas histórias. Aproveitem para dar uma olhada nos links:

I enjoyed the invitation to participate as a Lecturer at FESP event. My talk was " Entrepreneurship, so what?" and the main issues were De-mythifying the Entrepreneur and Social Media : what really matters as information speeds, how should we deal with all that. Talking to al lot of colleagues, friends and students I have realized the main concerns are the same:
  • Can Entrepreneurship be taught?
  • What is Social Media's role for business?
Nothing like true stories to bring life to theory. Feel free to tell your stories.
Some inspiring link: