MeetUps are a very common way of gathering people to debate specific subjects, networking and developing ideas in the USA and Europe. Since June, On The Road Business Communication Center and On The Road Ensino de Idiomas have been housing a series of interesting meetings with people who have a lot to say.
So far we have hosted Urban Mobility Meet Up, Match Making, Make Up in English, Transformation Process and Film Reading. If you haven’t been in one of these you can have a free taste of Guilherme Piazzetta’s Transformation Process:
(MeetUp with Guilherme Piazzetta)
Next week we will start with the Cineclub, exploring with more depth what was seen with the Film Reading MeetUp. The Cine Club idea is to have two meetings weekly. the first will happen on Wednesday and it is a class about aspects of the movie that can be seen on Friday at the same week, popcorn and Guaraná included! Here is the full agenda: