While organizing the retrospective posts the clock is ticking and the events don’t stop. Last week I had the opportunity to work with simultaneous translation for the Latin American Timberland Investment Conference in Rio de Janeiro. it. was tough work, different accents, different subjects every half an hour. Challenging and rich both in knowledge as well as networking. Planted forests, green and brownfield investments, native forest preservation. How can humankind balance development, survival and environment preservation? It is a matter of knowledge and common sense, and it seems to be possible. While the sun shone outside, there we were, working in our booths. Learning, of course... What made it worth...
(view from the hall windows, where the conference auditoriums are set)
The Conference happened on 25th and 26th of August, where many panels and presentations focused on global market trends. The conference gathered several different enterprises to discuss about the different perspectives for Timberland investments in South America, specially in Brazil. Agribusiness was a matter of discussion too.
For this important event I counted on Danuza Corradine Knuth's support, one of our translators/ interpreters. She lives in Chicago nowadays and has participated in many of On The Road's events since the early 2000s, helping with Copel Araucaria translations, The Appreciative Inquiry and African Delegations to mention but a few.
(Danuza and I)