sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2014


On The Road – Business Communication Center – promotes their new “Work-sharing Project, a co-working evolution. In a modern and singular environment, startups, business people and free lancers can book free sessions of 30 to 40 minutes on Strategic planning/mentorship every Friday from 8:30 to 12:00pm. In this new concept, people share their knowledge to create and develop new ideas.  And even more: practice English and book meeting rooms with interpreters for many languages.
Schedule a session – 3387-7007

A On The Road - Business Communication Center – abre seu espaço para desenvolvimento de um novo projeto:       “Work-sharing”. O conceito é  uma evolução do co-working. Além de contar com o espaço moderno e diferenciado, startups, empresários e profissionais liberais podem agendar sessões de 30 a 40 minutos em mentorship e consultoria estratégica gratuita todas as sextas das 8h30 às 12h e trabalhar num ambiente onde mentes criativas emprestam seus conhecimentos para a criação e o desenvolvimento de novas ideias. E mais, praticar inglês e agendar salas para reuniões com intérpretes em vários idiomas.
Agende seu horário pelo telefone 3387-7007 ou pelo e-mail

sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2014

On The Road Business Communication - BCCenter

"On The Road Business Communication - BCCenter offers educational support to students, business people and companies to become the entrepreneurs of their own lives."

Personal and Professional Strategic Plans
Work Sharing
Young Leader Program
Language Training

In October On The Road Business Communication Center - BCCenter recorded its first interview from the series "How to be the entrepreuner of your own life" based on a concept and course being developed at On The Road.
The people interviewed are successful professionals who are either involved in a business partnership with us or are participating in one of the Consulting, mentoring, language or work sharing program.

Cassia Cassitas has developed her career in Technology. She has worked in large Brazilian and International companies, participated in innovative projects and the prospection of new technology along with her academic life.
As a professor, was part of many High Educational Institutions; as a student, specialised in Information Engineering, Didactics in University Instruction, Philosophy and Existentialism. Nowadays, Cassia is a French and English student and participates in seminars and lectures. She is also a mother of two adolescents who are book worms.
She published her first book, Domingo O Jogo in 2010, then reaching the top rank of the e-book best sellers in Brazil. In 2011, launched the version in English, “Sunday the Game”.
In 2012, published her first novel Fortuna A Saga da Riqueza, about the prosperity of four generations, being the climax the American Housing Bubble. In 2013, launched the English version “Saga of Wealth” and the second edition of Fortuna A Saga da Riqueza.
Traveling around the world and through her books, Cassia Cassitas lives in Curitiba with her family, her dreams and her books.

sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2014

Welcome to BCCenter's MeetUps

MeetUps are a very common way of gathering people to debate specific subjects, networking and developing ideas in the USA and Europe. Since June, On The Road Business Communication Center and On The Road Ensino de Idiomas have been housing a series of interesting meetings with people who have a lot to say.


So far we have hosted Urban Mobility Meet Up, Match Making, Make Up in English, Transformation Process and Film Reading. If you haven’t been in one of these you can have a free taste of Guilherme Piazzetta’s Transformation Process:

(MeetUp with Guilherme Piazzetta)

Next week we will start with the Cineclub, exploring with more depth what was seen with the Film Reading MeetUp. The Cine Club idea is to have two meetings weekly. the first will happen on Wednesday and it is a class about aspects of the movie that can be seen on Friday at the same week, popcorn and Guaraná included! Here  is the full agenda:


sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014

19th of September, 2014 ... And it was a NO

Photo from London, Scotland and Salisburyvg.jpg

The moment I woke up today I turned on BBC to know what had happened. They are four hours ahead and I knew the results would be on. I posted the news after reading about some of the political changes and repercussions. Thinking about my ancestors  - My grandma was Armstrong, an English family with likelihood of Scottish roots - about all the history I had learned in my last trip and the love I have always had for London I did not feel happy nor sad.  

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(Armstrong Tartan)

Scots will always be Scots as much as English will always be English. They are different countries and different cultures. For the YES holders, even if feeling defeated, should keep proud of their origins and their uniqueness​, it is not something that can be taken from them.  Easy for me to say? Probably yes, but this feeling grew stronger after walking the Highlands, mirroring in the Lochs, listening to the music, observing the paths and patterns… lovely Scotland!

quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

The Yes / No Eve...

Just the night before the great decision!!! Have a look at this video and appreciate English humour with John Oliver! He tries to show the two sides of the story and pleades Scots to stay!
click here

sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014

Empreendedorismo e Estratégia Educacional: YES or NO for GB?

Empreendedorismo e Estratégia Educacional: YES or NO for GB?: Scottish are facing a big dilemma: to remain or not remain part of the Great Britain! ( British paper about the Queen’s position o...

YES or NO for GB?

Scottish are facing a big dilemma: to remain or not remain part of the Great Britain!

( British paper about the Queen’s position on the subject)  

Being in Scotland and England for this short period of two weeks allowed me to witness this historical moment closely. Should Scotland depart from the Great Britain? One should study history to understand the memories and foundations of a YES for a bit more than 50% of the votes according to the surveys. It is difficult to say what will happen as there are also the undecided voters. A Brazilian friend of mine who has lived and worked for more than 10 years in London told me: "I would not like them to go..." And this seems to be the way English are feeling.
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There is a bond, anyway. For me, I would say they are very different and alike at the same time. I know it is a strange thing to say, but that is exactly how I feel. I understand the reasons, but GB has a glamour of its own. Whatever the case, and because it is a classic case of  "unsolved business" I just hope understanding and history make the ends meet.

quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2014

While organizing the retrospective posts the clock is ticking and the events don’t stop. Last week I had the opportunity to work with simultaneous translation for the Latin American Timberland Investment Conference in Rio de Janeiro. it. was tough work, different accents, different subjects every half an hour. Challenging and rich both in knowledge as well as networking. Planted forests, green and brownfield investments, native forest preservation. How can humankind balance development, survival and environment preservation? It is a matter of knowledge and common sense, and it seems to be possible. While the sun shone outside, there we were, working in our booths. Learning, of course... What made it worth...

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(view from the hall windows, where the conference auditoriums are set)

The Conference happened on 25th and 26th of August, where many panels and presentations focused on global market trends. The conference gathered several different enterprises to discuss about the different perspectives for Timberland investments in South America, specially in Brazil. Agribusiness was a matter of discussion too.

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For this important event I counted on Danuza Corradine Knuth's support, one of our translators/ interpreters. She lives in Chicago nowadays and has participated in many of On The Road's events since the early 2000s, helping with Copel Araucaria translations, The Appreciative Inquiry and African Delegations to mention but a few.

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(Danuza and I)

sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2014

It’s been some time since I last wrote on the blog about the activities On The Road and I have been involved. Almost two years without posting, and gladly this is because of many other projects taking most of our time. Among these many projects, one of them that really caught my attention was the opportunity to work as interpreter for Brigitt Wolf and her Design Thinking approach.

(Brigitt Wolf and I)

Brigitt brilliantly introduced me to Design Thinking during IDEMi October 2012 in Florianopolis – SC. I was so amazed  that it became part of our everyday work.

(BCCenter Design Thinking Project)
On The Road has evolved significantly since my last entry here, and another important step in this evolution was my last visit to New York City. This experience was both professional and personal. The quality and variety range of arts, business, monuments and places makes NYC the Mecca for English learners of any culture. Starting of course with the Central Park, where I stayed just beside during the beginning of my trip.
(Central park during Saint Patrick’s day)

Talking about the professional side of the trip, I’ve been to AMCHAM meetings, where “How to do Business in Brazil” have been discussed and a lot of network and understanding about our culture, opportunities and difficulties, specially in the legal and bureaucratic aspects. Their office is in the heart of  Times Square. There was the first time I handed our new two fold business card, what, by the way, Allexandre Trauer (our designer), was a success.

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(AMCHAM - Times Square)

And from the professional / personal perspective, Gi Mazzali and I had an awesome time enjoying the arts NYC has to offer. After studying some English with us, Gi, who is an artist and photographer, was interested in developing some of her skills studying abroad. The National Academy School of Fine Arts was what to seemed to be the best option, and proved to be. Another great experience was to discover Spring Studio, quite close to SoHo where we spent one afternoon drawing the human figure… Simply amazing.

Photo from Mar 18, 2014 - A one day painting experience.jpg

A lot of people go to New York in regular basis for vacations or special events. However, not many truly experience what the city has to offer, truth is most of them just go there for the big city aesthetics and the cool places to do some shopping. Not that there's anything wrong with that, after all capitalism is inherent to US culture, but if one can look beyond the bright lights of the city, you will find yourself in one of the most amazing places in the world to learn.

Photo from Mar 19, 2014.jpg

Due to this trip to US, I ended up spending two days in Boston, visiting a friend in Dudley and closing a deal in Northampton with ILI. In Boston, I stayed in this lovely hostel 4.0 Berkeley, where I got to know the CoLaboratory 4.0, an interesting place where women gather and find support to  develop their own business. It inspired me to develop a new concept in the BCCenter. People can hire a chair here and spend their time working, developing network and receiving advice on Business Strategic Planning.

(CoLaboratory 4.0 - Boston, USA/ BCCenter - Cruritiba, BR)

I’m truly amazed with the opportunities our new place has to offer and how much we can draw from it pushing forward our skills even more.

to be continued...