segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010
Tropa de Elite 2 - The Elite Squad 2
quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010
Biodata in English Perfil em Inglês
Liane Grassi holds a Bachelor’s of Arts and a Post-Graduate degree in Business Management from Unicenp. She holds a Master’s degree of Strategic Business Administration from PUC Paraná. In the UK, she studied at Ardmore School in Maidenhead, did classroom observation of her peers and attended the teacher training course at International House and London School of English in Business English. She was a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language for the International Relations course at Universidade Tuiuti. As a consultant, she assists company to assess their current situation, entrepreneurial potential and helps them redesign their organizational strategies. She focuses on entrepreneurial and learning culture, whereby companies are called to redesign their processes and to take an innovative approach to their features, thus becoming learning organizations. She is also the founder and director of On The Road Curso de Idiomas since 1993. She gives workshops and lectures on Motivation and Educational Entrepreneurship as an associate-lecturer of Oxford University Press, and teaches Business in English courses sponsored by AMCHAM (Brazil-United States Chamber of Commerce).
quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010
Why do young companies die? Por que empresas jovens morrem?
Businesses mortality is one of the favorite subjects of Management magazines, consultancy companies, students and professors. I have come across the same explanations in most articles and discussions on this subject: lack of planning, business knowledge, difficulties in leading with growth and family crisis (when it is a family business) among others. However, risk tolerance and the “illusion” of an easy way of getting wealthy as an entrepreneur are hardly ever mentioned .
I like to allude to dreams as glamorous dragons when referring to entrepreneurship, and do believe our dreams are never plain and do deserve this sort of comparison. But achieving them is hard work; no free lunches; no guarantees of a steady income in the end of the month. I talked to several people who alleged giving up their adventures after six months or a year because the venture was not worth the profit, that they could not make a living out of it. Well, let's analyze it: there is the investment- the venture capital, the market recognition work, the competitors... yes, all should be part of the business plan. But what is the real reason for such instant frustration?
The entrepreneur is, in fact, mythical, famous for being a genius or a lucky person, sort of a Midas who whatever touches turns into gold. Yes, he has vision, takes risks and seizes opportunities, but not everything works just fine. His passion and will of making his dream come true makes him keep going, and even after many failures, he finds himself two jobs, raises some capital to reinvest in his dream and motivates people to join him.
I believe the market lacks entrepreneurship courses rooted in the every day reality of the entrepreneur, where case studies shown will be the ones of the bakery and drugstore at the corner, or about friends and acquaintances that create or are creating success. How did Jefferson's consultancy company was born? How about Felipe and Karen's Mistralis? And Romanha? Vapza?
I know a lot of people and their companies and decided to become a story teller. I will need your help, though. Tell me your stories and I promise I will post and translate them. Let's go international!
Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore -
And then run?
Does it sink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over? -
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does is explode?
Langston Hughes
O que acontece quando se adia um sonho?
Ele seca...
como uma passa ao sol?
Ou inflama, como um machucado -
E então purga?
Ele fede como carne podre?
Ou cria uma crosta açucarada -
como um doce açucarado?
Talvez apenas pese
Como uma carga pesada.
Ou explode?
domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010
Skills and Competencies
Every day employees face decisions to be taken and have to count on their intuition (knowledge enhanced by their experience), skills and attitude (persistence, risk tolerance, internal locus of control, ...) that will be evaluated by employes and audits . Is it correct to say that the competencies desired by most companies are entrepreneurial ones? And what is in fact being done by educational institutions to meet this demand?
"nenhum vencedor acredita no acaso." Friedrich Nietzsche
" As pessoas me perguntam se posso dizer-lhes como fazer para que seus sonhos se tornem realidade. Minha resposta e: façam-no por meio do seu trabalho." Walt Disney
terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010
Dreaming, Rehearsing and Acting
Like an actor in the film of his life, a successful entrepreneur is the one who dreams, rehearses and acts, apparently all at the same time.
segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2010
The path
An entrepreneur faces different life perceptions at the various stages of the path. At half way, anxiety turns into a mild restless and this is because we realize there is not endless time left. Life is short and it can be sweet for certain. It depends on us and our choices. You can be either at the top of your own company or in the pursue of your best profession accomplishment you will wish for more, and get conscious of your inner strength as well as what serves you and what doesn't. Again, the searcher at the very beginning of the path.
Inbox X
segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010
some are illusions, challenges which are feasible or not. It does not
matter how they are born but what we can do of them. I call mine
dragons, as powerful and threatening, glamorous and charming dragons
can be. Who hasn't fallen for "The last one" in Sean Connery's voice?
Whatever the case, fighting against them is always a mistake. Fire and
smoke... strength and power... they can crush you without warning.
Surrender is not that good either. You can spend a whole life waiting
to see them fly in all their glory and die without any glimpse of it.
The smell of the smoke, the uncomfortable presence of the unknown. The
best solution is to tame the beast. Have you ever imagined yourself
being able to fly the highest skies and being able to see the wonders
of the conquered land?